Chickenpox Disease and Symptoms of Chickenpox

 Gejala cacar air

Definition of chickenpox

Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV), and this virus is also called varicella primary, which belongs to the class of the herpes virus and others.

Symptoms of chickenpox usually include a rash, fever, lack of appetite, cough, and sore throat. Smallpox can affect anyone, but it often occurs in children.

Symptoms of chickenpox infection are accompanied by a rash all over the body or all over the body, and red spots filled with a clear, itchy fluid. It will dry up and flake off and there are black marks due to peeling and drying of the nodules.

How to treat the symptoms of chickenpox and chickenpox

Gejala cacar air

Symptoms of chickenpox

Smallpox generally affects children but sometimes adults as well. The symptoms of chickenpox can generally be noticed from changes in the body, whether in children or adults, but the symptoms that occur in adults are more severe than in children.

The following are the symptoms of chickenpox in general:

A high temperature of 38 ° C - 40 ° C
 Pain, lethargy, fatigue, headache, sore throat, decreased appetite

A rash appears, small bumps filled with clear fluid, and develops into itchy sores or blisters

Dryness or pain in the chest.

Causes of chickenpox

Chickenpox is caused by the varicella simple virus or varicella-zoster virus and is easily transmitted. The transmission of chickenpox from the air, sneezing, coughing, and body fluids can be nodules.

Being in the room with the patient for one to two hours, having direct contact with a person with smallpox, dealing with things that have been exposed to liquids, or direct contact with the patient.

Also, read the causes and symptoms of diarrhea to watch out for, as they are so dangerous.

How to treat chickenpox

Chickenpox can clear up on its own by maintaining hygiene, eating nutritious and protein-rich foods like eggs, fish, chicken, etc., and getting enough rest.

However, if the chickenpox is accompanied by symptoms of chickenpox such as a high temperature, you must take fever-reducing medications to reduce the temperature so that complications or attacks do not occur.

Treatment can also be done by applying aciclovir ointment specifically for viruses and taking medications depending on the symptoms, complaints, and age of the patient. But be sure to consult a doctor or health worker so that it is safe to do so.

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