5 Foods That Cause Colon Cancer, don't underestimate it

Certain drinks and foods play a role in increasing a person's risk of colon cancer. According to a report from Harvard Health Publishing, several types of drinks and foods can cause colon cancer because they cause inflammation in the body. This conclusion was obtained based on research published in JAMA Oncology (2018). Researchers looked at the diets of more than 121,000 people for 26 years. Studies show that for people who often eat foods that cause inflammation, the risk of colon cancer is 44 percent higher than for people who eat a low-inflammatory diet. 

 Colon Cancer

Moreover, the expert also proved that the risk of colon cancer remains high, despite controlling for other carcinogenic factors such as body weight and active movement. Due to the large role food plays as a cause of colon cancer, it is a good idea to have a healthy, balanced diet. Here are some types of foods to watch out for that cause colon cancer:

1. Red meat

Red meat consumption includes excreta of four-legged animals such as beef, goat, pork, etc. It must be limited. A start to health, red meat includes protein your body needs. However, excessive consumption of red meat can lead to colon cancer. Additionally, red meat is also high in unhealthy saturated fats, which can increase the risk of breast and prostate cancer. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, you should not eat red meat more than three times per week, with a maximum per serving of 85 grams per serving. You don't have to worry about a protein deficiency because you limit your red meat intake. In order to meet the protein that works to regenerate cells, heal damaged tissues, and maintain resistance of the body, this is enough other intake. Besides red meat, some sources of protein include fish, seafood, chicken, dairy products, and eggs.

2. Processed meats

Aside from red meat, other foods that cause colon cancer include processed meats such as sausages, corned beef, pork, burgers, bacon, and pepperoni. Processed meat is animal protein that is processed through smoking, salting, preservation and adding additional chemicals to make it more durable. Research has shown that people who eat processed meat are more likely to develop colon and stomach cancer than people who never eat it. If you need to limit red meat consumption, experts recommend avoiding processed meat on an anti-cancer diet.

3. Alcohol

Alcohol is not included in the type of food that causes colon cancer, but drinks can increase the risk of cancer. Drinking two to three cups of alcohol a day can increase your risk of colon cancer by 20 percent. Excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to breast cancer and reduce the immune system. Avoid excessive drinking. The American Cancer Society advises men not to drink more than two cups of alcohol per day and women not to drink more than one drink per day.

4. Processed cereal diagram of bread for breakfast.

Refined grains can also increase the risk of colon cancer. Some examples of products made from refined grains include white bread, cereals, pasta, noodles, wheat flour foods, white rice, etc. Diets made with highly processed grains can raise blood sugar levels and boost insulin resistance. To prevent colon cancer, replace the habit of eating refined grains with whole grains that are sparingly processed and rich in fiber such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, etc.

5. Sugar

Excessive consumption of sugar from food and drink can lead to chronic inflammation. Inflammation can lead to cancer, including colon cancer. After MD Anderson's release, sugar can also contribute to body weight gain. Being overweight or obese is a risk factor for cancer. Although sugar can be harmful to the body, people still need sugar in small amounts to support the functioning of vital organs. According to the Ministry of Health, the safe limit for sugar consumption for people without health problems is 200 calories, equivalent to four tablespoons or 50 grams of sugar per day. However, you have to be careful with the sugar dosage.

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